Why advertise?

Clark County Courier has a reach spanning Clark, Spink, Day, Hamlin, Beadle, Codington, Kingsbury Counties and even beyond. For your business, this is an opportunity to spread your name and services to greater audiences.

Advertising is available in both the front page of this site and in the printed paper. Please reference below for our rates for online and paper ads. The deadline for all print advertising is 5:00 p.m. Monday of the issue in which your ad is to appear. To receive a more detailed description of our size choices and rates for printed ads please contact us!


There is a one-time flat rate of $100; it will be both in print and the website.

Prices for Facebook ads are a flat fee of $25. Below are a few examples with the paper equivalent, together, and all 3 (web, print and Facebook).

Submitted images for online advertisements should be in color, and in JPG or PNG format.

Image Size (lengthxwidth)Website Home PagePrint EquivalentWeb & PrintWeb, Print & Facebook
300x300 pixels$60$80 (8 in.)$140$165
500x300 pixels$90$120 (12 in.)$210$235
500x500 pixels$157$210 (21 in.)$367$392
1200x200 pixels$75$100 (banner)$175$200

* Prices are charged weekly

Full color is $10.00 per inch. The column inch rate is $7.00. A column length is 21 1/2 inches, 6 columns per page. A full page ad measures 13 3/4 inches x 21 1/2 inches. Below are popular ad sizes:

1/4 Page (31.5 column in.)1/2 Page (63 column in.)Full Page (129 column in.)

Classified Advertisements

Classified ads are charged a $10.00 for the first 25 words and $0.15 per word thereafter. The same ad may run additional weeks at $10.00 for the first 25 words and $0.15 per word (no changes).

Card of thanks are billed $10.00 up to 6 lines; $0.60 a line thereafter.


  • Holiday advertisements: $20.00 per holiday
  • Community page sponsor: $20.00 each
  • Full color print advertisements are $10.00 per inch.